Sunday, 19 February 2017

Film Industry Task 9


Mainstream film/Mainstream Cinema - A film (or cinema that exhibits them) that is followed by the majority and is most popular.

Independent film/Independent Cinema
- A film (or cinema that exhibits them) that isn't followed by the majority and is usually lesser known, with higher expectations on quality, writing and storytelling.

- The stages that take place to create the film, filming, marketing, distribution exchange etc.

Distribution - The way a film is delivered to the audience.

Marketing - Selling the film (posters, websites, merchandise)

Exchange - How the film is viewed, iPads, Laptops, Cinemas.

Multinational Conglomerate - A large scale business that dominates a lot of platforms and different industries. Two or more corporations working together to complete a task.

Monopoly - The possession or control of a supply or certain trade in a service.

Oligopoly - Limited competition, a market shared by a small number of producers or sellers.

The Big Six - Sony, Paramount, Disney, 20th Century Fox, Warner Bros, Universal.

Horizontal Integration - The increase in production of goods or services, Heinz and Kraft Foods merged companies successfully and benefited as a result.

Vertical Integration - Separate stages of production (usually by two different companies) combine to create a final product.

Synergy - The interaction or co-operation of two or more organisations to create a larger impact than if they were to work separately.

Merchandising - The production and selling of merchandise, usually specific to a brand/franchise. Often consisting of accessories, clothing and posters.

Ultra Violet - A cloud-based service that allows consumers to view and download a digital copy of a film.

Above the Line - Where mass-media is used to promote brands/products to the target consumers

Below the Line - A more one-to-one technique of advertisement, handing out pamphlets, stickers, posters etc.

Technological Convergence/Cross Media Convergence
- Where different media skills/tech systems work towards performing a similar task/achieving a goal.

Consumption - This is the amount of info or entertainment that is consumed by an individual or group.

Exhibition - An organised presentation or display of an item or selected of items/product.

Piracy - The unauthorised use or reproduction of another's work.

Hollywood Franchise 4S Model - Synergy, Spectacle, Sequelisation, Story

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